Pre and Post SURGICAL

If patients know they have a surgery coming up, it can be extremely beneficial to do therapy before surgery. For example, a patient has a knee surgery coming up, which is a joint problem, but the muscles around the knee are extremely tight.

We will work to strengthen the muscles, increase the range of motion and get things stretched out, in order to make your recovery on the back end that much easier. This isn’t necessarily the case for every person, and it depends on the surgeon and the person. (Stop by and talk to us if you have questions!) Pre-surgery and post-surgery PT is not an easy fix, and it will take work; but both can really optimize the outcome of the surgery and the post-surgery recovery.

Questions about your upcoming surgery or post-surgery recovery? We’d love to help. Stop by our office at 1420 Main St. or give us a call at 620-909-5043!

Can PT help me avoid surgery?

Sometimes, and it depends on the case. Often a doctor will refer a patient back to PT; our thought is to cut out the doctor’s visit and come see us directly.

PT can often help patients avoid surgery by improving strength and motion as well as pain relief. We have the ability to check for the need for surgery— and if surgery IS needed, pre-surgery PT also has the ability to improve function prior to surgery, which can then improve outcomes. Contact us with questions.


Sometimes, when faced with the need for surgery, it’s hard to know who to trust. We can help. We've seen hundreds of surgical outcomes and observed firsthand how well patients rehab through different surgeries with different surgeons (patterns tend to develop).

  • We'll give you an honest, unbiased recommendation, as we have no affiliations with larger hospitals...we'll ask which direction you want to go, east or west, and let you know who we've seen that's done a good job for our patients in the past.

  • At the end of the day, it's YOUR decision on who you are comfortable with. We can give you information so that you can make an informed decision that's best for you!

No need for an appointment, just stop in and ask. It's not a long conversation and we're always here to help!